
Welcome to my humble little kitchen...
I really do enjoy cooking. Just love reading recipes books am always on the look out for interesting recipe books. Pages and pages full of brightly coloured pictures of tempting dishes whether they be old favourites from my child hood or new and exciting ones yet to try!!!!
Learning spices and techniques does take time and I must admit often does not turn out but practice, practice and a little experimenting goes a long way in learning to perfect dishes and tastes..
Follow me on our journey to discover new flavours and old ones to and to enjoy and EAT the outcome!!!

Thursday 9 February 2012

Strawberry Hotcakes


WHAT YOU NEED: (makes 12)
1 cup of self raising flour
1 medium to large egg
1 tsp of vanilla essence
3/4 cup of milk (full or skimmed - up to you)
1/2 cup of strawberry yoghurt (again if you want these lower in fat then use low fat yoghurt)
butter for frying

1. In a medium bowl sift in the flour and make a well in the centre.
2. In a jug whisk together the egg, milk, vanilla, and the yoghurt. Combine this with the flour till well combined.
3. Leave to rest for 5 to 10 mins.
4. Heat a non stick pan and put a tsp or 2 of butter in pan and allow to melt.
5. Place dollops of the hotcake mixture and cook for aprox 2 mins.
6. Once you see lots of bubbles appearing on the surface then flip the hotcake and cook till lovely and golden.
Serve immediately
Serving options:
1. With yoghurt and fresh fruit
2. With a little lemon and sugar
3. Golden syrup