
Welcome to my humble little kitchen...
I really do enjoy cooking. Just love reading recipes books am always on the look out for interesting recipe books. Pages and pages full of brightly coloured pictures of tempting dishes whether they be old favourites from my child hood or new and exciting ones yet to try!!!!
Learning spices and techniques does take time and I must admit often does not turn out but practice, practice and a little experimenting goes a long way in learning to perfect dishes and tastes..
Follow me on our journey to discover new flavours and old ones to and to enjoy and EAT the outcome!!!

Wednesday 4 January 2012

Badam Milk

A delicious almond flavoured milk. Refreshing served cold on a hot day or curl up with a mug of it warm on a cold day.

3 cups of milk
20 almonds or 1/3 cup of almond meal
sugar to taste
2 to 3 tsp of crushed cardomon ( U may add more or less if you like or dislike the taste of cardomon)

1. If using almonds with skins then you need to soak them in hot water for 10mins. Then press each almond to peal the skin off. If using skinned almonds then go straight to step 2.
2. Grind the almonds with about 1/2 tsp of water to a fine paste and keep aside. If using almond meal then just make a paste out of the almond meal and water.
3. Place milk in a saucepan and boil. Add sugar(to taste) and simmer for around 5 mins on low heat till the milk becomes slightly thicker. Now add the almond paste to the milk and whisk to combine.
4. Add the crushed cardomom powder.
5. Allow the milk to boil for about 5 more mins. The mixture will gradually be getting thicker.
6. Remove from heat and pour into serving glasses or mugs. If serving hot garnish with slivered almonds and serve immediately or refiridgerate if choosing to serve cold.